Smoking and Its Negative Impact

Smoking is a cylinder-shaped objects made of paper length between 70 to 120 mm (varies by country) with a diameter of 10 mm containing tobacco leaves that have been enumerated. Cigarettes were burned on one end and allowed to smolder for the smoke can be inhaled through the mouth at the other end (wikipedia). Smoking is not a foreign body among the people of Indonesia both young and old because in almost every shop we can easily get it. Currently smoking as a staple of some communities in Indonesia, a day without a cigarette feels hollow passed.
Currently users of cigarettes that so many have made the concerned experts in the field of health, how does the substances contained in cigarettes is extremely harmful to health. Never mind the health experts, the cigarette manufacturers themselves had been warned about the dangers of cigarettes and in writing on the wrapper "smoking can cause heart attacks, impotence, pregnancy disorders, etc.". However, as cigarette consumers ignored the warning. In fact most of them assume that without their smoking will not be able to think properly. People smoking was regarded as being cool. Or excuse those who say they will be a lot of unemployment due to cigarette factory which was closed when I stopped smoking. Or the words of my friend who said that he really hated it with a cigarette to burn every cigarette he yag given to him. Out of nowhere they get the thoughts that are misleading.
Efforts to eliminate the smoking habit, or at least minimize it continues to be pursued by the government, one with a crack down on smokers in places that have been banned (but this prohibition has been dimmed lately), or fatwa issued by MUI (Indonesian Cleric Assemblies)
. This special fatwa, not supported but even reviled by most of the consumers of cigarettes. Though this is done for their own good right?Maybe they are blinded by their lusts so that they consume cigarettes. Though no single study that revealed that the cigarettes have a positive impact on health. In fact, cigarettes will only give harm to the body and finance smokers.
The danger is not just about smoking cigarettes, but also the people who are around smokers or who we know called passive smokers. Even the supposedly passive smoking is more dangerous than active smokers. This was revealed from a study of 4,000 children aged 0-5 years showed that children whose parents smoked 10 cigarettes a day, causing an increase in the number of asthma cases and accelerate the emergence of symptoms of asthma in children.
Here are some dangers that can be experienced by second-hand smoke include:1. AllergyCigarette smoke can be a factor triggering the occurrence of allergies so that you will experience coughing, pusirtg, eye irritation, to shortness of breath.2. Angina
Chest pain due to narrowing of blood vessels to the heart.3. Asthma
Having difficulty breathing. In addition, smoking also potentially cause lung cancer in a long time and cause other organ disorders.Well, what are the ingredients contained in cigarettes? The following are the ingredients in a cigarette which I get from:1. AmmoniaAmmonia is usually used to clean windows and toilets. By adding ammonia to the cigarettes, the nicotine in the form of vapor will be absorbed through the lungs more quickly. This in turn makes the brain get higher doses of nicotine.2. CadmiumIn industry, cadmium used for batteries, coatings and plastics logan. Cadmium can harm the lungs, causing kidney disease and irritate the digestive tract.3. BenzeneBenzene is naturally produced by the volcano. But benzene is also a major industrial chemical made from coal and oil. Benzene is used to make other chemicals, as well as some types of plastics, detergents and pesticides. It is also a component of gasoline and is associated with leukemia. When mixed with cigarettes, can already imagine the impact that could occur in penghisapnya.4. FormaldehydeUsed as a glue in wood products and as a preservative in some paints. These chemicals can cause watery eyes, burning sensation in the reaction of the eyes, nose and throat, nausea, coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, skin rashes and allergies.5. NickelOther names are nickel silver or white metal hardware. These chemicals can cause increased susceptibility to lung infections, chronic bronchitis and reduced lung function.6. Lead or leadUsed in ammunition, roofing, gasoline, paints and ceramic products. Lead can affect almost every organ and system in the body. The most sensitive is the central nervous system, especially in children. Lead also damages kidneys and the immune system. In addition, exposure to cigarette smoke mixed with lead can cause premature birth, smaller babies, decreased mental ability in infants, learning difficulties, and reduced growth in children.7. AcetoneAcetone is a waste product from the fumes, cigarette smoke and a lot of substances produced in garbage dumps. People who breathe in an environment that tingga acetone content, within a short time can cause irritation of nose, throat, lungs, eyes, headache, confusion, increased pulse, nausea, vomiting, fainting and possibly coma. It also causes shortening of the menstrual cycle of women.8. PyridineMade from crude coal tar or from other chemicals and is used to dissolve substances. Pyridine mixture in cigarettes can cause headaches, dizziness, accelerated pulse and rapid breathing and wheezing.9. carbon monoxideReplaces oxygen in your skin. While nicotine reduces blood flow, makes the skin dry and discolored. Smoking also deplete nutrients, including vitamin C. Though nutrition and vitamin C help protect and repair skin damage.10. Nicotinealso causes vasoconstriction, ie narrowing of blood vessels that can restrict the flow of oxygen-rich blood to thin blood vessels on the face or other parts of the body
Cigarettes have made the people who consume them feel wanted and wants again to continue melakukannyaMalahan cigarette is a cigarette Inside it there are many hazardous substances that can damage health. The government has also warned of "Smoking can cause heart attacks, etc.". But still, the smokers (smokers) do not want to stop the consumption of recalcitrant tuh berbagaya goods. What are hazardous substances that exist in cigarettes ..? Here it is:1. AmmoniaAmmonia is usually used to clean windows and toilets. By adding ammonia to the cigarettes, the nicotine in the form of vapor will be absorbed through the lungs more quickly. This in turn makes the brain get higher doses of nicotine.2. CadmiumIn industry, cadmium used for batteries, coatings and plastics logan. Cadmium can harm the lungs, causing kidney disease and irritate the digestive tract.3. BenzeneBenzene is naturally produced by the volcano. But benzene is also a major industrial chemical made from coal and oil. Benzene is used to make other chemicals, as well as some types of plastics, detergents and pesticides. It is also a component of gasoline and is associated with leukemia. When mixed with cigarettes, can already imagine the impact that could occur in penghisapnya.4. FormaldehydeUsed as a glue in wood products and as a preservative in some paints. These chemicals can cause watery eyes, burning sensation in the reaction of the eyes, nose and throat, nausea, coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, skin rashes and allergies.5. NickelOther names are nickel silver or white metal hardware. These chemicals can cause increased susceptibility to lung infections, chronic bronchitis and reduced lung function.6. Lead or leadUsed in ammunition, roofing, gasoline, paints and ceramic products. Lead can affect almost every organ and system in the body. The most sensitive is the central nervous system, especially in children. Lead also damages kidneys and the immune system. In addition, exposure to cigarette smoke mixed with lead can cause premature birth, smaller babies, decreased mental ability in infants, learning difficulties, and reduced growth in children.7. AcetoneAcetone is a waste product from the fumes, cigarette smoke and a lot of substances produced in garbage dumps. People who breathe in an environment that tingga acetone content, within a short time can cause irritation of nose, throat, lungs, eyes, headache, confusion, increased pulse, nausea, vomiting, fainting and possibly coma. It also causes shortening of the menstrual cycle of women.8. PyridineMade from crude coal tar or from other chemicals and is used to dissolve substances. Pyridine mixture in cigarettes can cause headaches, dizziness, accelerated pulse and rapid breathing and wheezing.9. carbon monoxideReplaces oxygen in your skin. While nicotine reduces blood flow, makes the skin dry and discolored. Smoking also deplete nutrients, including vitamin C. Though nutrition and vitamin C help protect and repair skin damage.10. Nicotinealso causes vasoconstriction, ie narrowing of blood vessels that can restrict the flow of oxygen-rich blood to thin blood vessels on the face or other parts of the body.Any questions, what about electrically cigarettes? Is it dangerous? until now there is no research data that can be used as a source of truth. If it exists, would later publish on this blog too. Hope could help resuscitate the smokers.How do I stop smoking?Smoking is a habit (habituation) and not a dependence (addiction). There is a fundamental difference between a habit (habituation) and dependence (addiction).Habits are used to doing something because there is material, when he stopped the habit, it will emerge from the psychic symptoms in him. While dependence as heroin or cocaine addiction is a physical and psychic dependence, physical ie became accustomed to consume an existing material.Thus, in the absence of such materials, in addition to causing symptoms of psychic, also makes a weak to carry out physical activities and routine activities. Conclusions can be drawn from the above explanation, is that the escape of smoke is not very difficult as perceived by many smokers.The absence of smoking would only cause a temporary psychic phenomenon. This is certainly different to break away from a dependency. It takes a special treatment in a long time, because the resulting symptoms include physical and psychological symptoms as well. Sometimes even a therapy was not necessarily able to release someone from a dependency.I have some tips to stop smoking which I get from some people I know1. My friend told me that when I was active as a smoker then it must suck at least a cigarette after eating, because he can not burp when not smoking cigarettes. Finally he tried to replace it with a cigarette sucking sucking something else that is Brown Sugar, and finally after a hard routine and the desire to quit smoking eventually can he stop2. My grandfather's different again, he stopped smoking with eating perment mint when his desire to smoke arises. Praise and smoking habits was missing until now.3. Different again with my cousins ​​who quit smoking because they feel a lot of material losses caused by smoking, most noticeably when the allowance for meals had to be replaced by a cigarette4. The latter is not the tips, but a warning, I would like to emphasize that stopping smoking before you are stopped by a cigarette. Since many smokers who quit smoking when body and soul was weak and unable to do anything.

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